Supergallery of Daylilies from our General Price List
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Image Pages: G1 - Gard
Simply click on any daylily below and you will go that cultivar's page to
see a larger image, and read detail's of the flower

Garden Butterfly $ 20.00 |

Garry Bewcyk $ 15.00 |

Gemini Jack $ 15.00 |

Gentle Shepherd $ 25.00 |

Gina Louise $ 12.00 |

Ginger Twist $ 10.00 |

Gitana Smith $ 15.00 |

Glass Palace $ 12.00 |

Glittering Star $ 12.00 |

Glorious Destiny $ 20.00 |

Glorious Looks $ 12.00 |

Glowing Notion $ 100.00 |

Gnome Alaska $ 100.00 |

Go Ape For Grape $ 150.00 |

Go With The Flow $ 15.00 |

Goatee $ 15.00 |

God Is Listening $ 12.00 |

Going Home To Georgia $ 15.00 |

Good Golly Miss Molly $ 45.00 |

Granny Apple Green $ 20.00 |

Great Red Dragon $ 12.00 |

Greedy Streak $ 25.00 |

Green Sea $ 25.00 |

Green Token $ 25.00 |

Guardian Of My Soul $ 15.00 |

Guessing Game $ 50.00 |

Guiding Hand $ 25.00 |
G1 - Gard